Sex after 40
Positive changes happening! yay!9/27/2024 As I wean myself off these lactation pills I'm noticing positive changes. I've been taking some natural supplements to help with my energy levels and focus. It's helping. Little by little I'm feeling better. I was able to get a very simple gentle workout in today but I really really want to get back to being able to workout like I used to. I feel so bloated. I love my body but my clothes don't fit!! I've been feeling bloated and uncomfortable in my midsection and carrying more weight in my face which I hate. I'm such a pretty girl and I feel like the weight in my face fucks with my confidence. I was feeling so cunt a year ago. I was feeling cute and found a style that looks good on me. I really wanna get back to that. Don't get me wrong, lactating made me feel voluptuous and feminine. But I feel like I want to feel better in my own skin. I'm sure you can relate. Being a little more fit just feels better. It's mostly to do with my flexibility and stamina. I want that back. And I wanna feel cute in my clothes again.
Among the positive changes I would say the most notable is my sex drive coming back. Omg! It's so exciting! It reminds me of how I used to be!! Especially when ovulating. I was like a tiger searching for prey. I've been masturbating more! I've caught myself being turned on more. like ugh...yesssss. I missed this!!!!!! I want it back! I miss fucking. I miss being THIS horny. I miss being this sexual. Lactating was fun but it's not worth giving up my sex drive. I'm currently trying to establish connections with men I find attractive and have some chemistry with so that I can call on them when the mood strikes. I just want dick on call. And back up dick. And back up for the back up. Then i'll be happy. I don't want a relationship. I wanna focus on me. But I want men for cuddles and light friendship and solid dick. Wish me luck!!
Leave a Reply.Lady MWhat happens when you marry the 2nd guy you ever slept with and spend 20yrs thinking you just don't like sex? You get a divorce and realize just how sexual you actually are. Archives
February 2025