Sex after 40
Daddy energy1/16/2024 Energy is everything. Women will get on their knees for the right energy, regardless of looks or status.
As I sit here, post orgasm, my pussy drooling onto my sheets, I felt compelled to impart some wisdom. So many of you wanna be dominant in the bedroom without doing any work to cultivate it. You throw the word around like just another descriptor without understanding that being dominant is more than you wanting to be selfish in the bedroom an fulfill YOUR fantasies or recreate what you see in porn. A man who embodies dominant energy is a gentleman and respects women. The best lovers I've ever had were kind and respected me and treated me well. And they're the ones I was the biggest slut for. With a huge smile on my face. And I always went back for more. A man who embodies dominant energy isn't an asshole. He's not pushy and he's not a misogynist. He loves women. He loves femininity. He's not complaining about women and he certainly doesn't fuck any hole he can find. He's respectful of his own body and energy. He has standards. He works on himself. Whether it's at the gym, or with a mindfulness practice, or career goals, or going to therapy. He has depth. He has emotional intelligence. He's secure in himself. These are all attractive qualities. He takes time to cultivate a connection. He knows that the energy he pours into her outside of the bedroom will translate to inside the bedroom. He wants to get inside her mind. 1. Get to know her. Be curious about her interests. Make her feel seen. 2. Make her feel safe. Respect her boundaries. Don't get sexual with her. Believe me if she is into you she will make it very obvious. She'll be the one to make the first move. 3. Take initiative. Women hate having to plan a date. It's so lame when a guy seems interested and does nothing about it. Instead, set a date. Offer a location. Don't make her pick. It's the hottest thing when a guy says "how about this Friday at 7 at (location), i'll pick you up." uhhh.. *drip* Do you know how RARE it is for guys to do this these days? You'll really stand out and impress her. Then follow up and confirm a couple days before, and again that day. It shows you're assertive. You value your time and hers. AND shows that you are eager to see her. She will be equally as eager because you've put in the effort. 4. Never suggest her coming to your place as a date. Real fuckboi energy. If you're saying "why do i have to do all this? what does she do?" This post isn't for you. no one's flower petals will be opening for you. Go heal. If you managed to make it this far and you're still in..... I can tell you that a woman who feels safe, respected, appreciated and admired....a woman who is allowed to be in her feminine energy because you're in your won't have to convince her. She will open up for you. And not only that, she will feel safe enough to unlock her inner freak and let go in the bedroom. Here's the thing. If you want that dynamic in the bedroom.....where she is happy to give and serve, you have to give her what she needs. And I don't just mean sexually. Aftercare is often talked about and its super important. After she's given so much of herself you must give back in the form of affection and praise. If you fail to do this you're going to lose out on getting this again. If a woman allows herself to be so vulnerable and you don't water her garden with cuddles, praise, a text after and sweet words the next day, she's going to feel used. And she won't open herself up like that to you again. Mark my words..... It's a give and take. We inherently value different things. Men are more sexual, women are more emotional. Learn how to tap into that and you will be rewarded. But above all, be genuine. Comments are closed.
Lady MWhat happens when you marry the 2nd guy you ever slept with and spend 20yrs thinking you just don't like sex? You get a divorce and realize just how sexual you actually are. Archives
February 2025