Sex after 40
Fakes9/22/2023 Guys really think women are stupid. But they have tells. In my time online I have always looked passed them bc I wanted these fuckers to be real. But in the end I’m always proven right. So now I’ve gotten better at speaking up right away. I’m highly intuitive. So if you think you’re gonna get one over on me you’re in for a surprise. This is another reason I HATE liars. At least an asshole is honest about being an asshole and I respect that. The worst thing you can be is someone who presents themselves as something they’re not to manipulate another person. Pathetic. I won’t get into the tells bc I know some of them will see this and we don’t want to make them smarter with their deception. But if any ladies want some things to look out for shoot me a message.
Sometimes you just have to take the red flags seriously right out of the gate. Just to not waste your time ya know? The love bombing is gross. It’s fucked up. And one has to think, the guy that sits around forming fake relationships with ppl online based on lies, this guy has major major issues. Let’s leave that there. And move on to some of the more humorous attempts guys have made. Like y’all really think we’re stupid huh? I have seen different pictures being passed off as the same guy. Like…wayment…. Or the several dick pics that aren’t even the same dick. like, sir, you’re talking to a dickologist here. I study the dick. I have a masters in dickinometry. I can tell the dick is not the same. Clearly not the same man or body or even the same color pubic hair. The curvature, the vascularity, the color, the hair pattern, the thighs, the hands in some cases. Rest assured, when you send a dick pic me and my team of scientists are hard at work, running tests, gathering data. I recently ran into a profile where the guy’s pictures looked normal only his dick was stretched. Clearly digitally altered to appear bigger. like dude this is so pathetic. I guess bottom line is, If you feel like this person isn’t who they claim to be, ask them to video chat. It’s VERY telling. They’ll either go quiet, or come up with some clever excuses. But bottom line that’s a tell. Don’t waste your time and energy babe. Men I apologize as I don’t know what’s happening on your side. I’m told lots of bots and women selling things. My only advice is, if it seems to good to be true, it is. If they offer their snap up front it’s probably to get you to pay for something. And chances are if she offers something sexual right away it’s probably shady and sus. But feel free to chime in down in the comments to help other guys know what to look for. This is why I really only trust the ppl I meet. We all deserve better. Here’s hoping we all make genuine connections with real ppl.
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February 2025