Sex after 40
From Reddit to website7/7/2023 I joined Reddit initially during my open marriage to try to find...I don't know what. I never used Reddit prior to this. I consider Reddit to be "boy stuff". But my husband at the time suggested it so I gave it a shot. I found it to be really confusing.
Once I got over my prudishness and my fear of kink (thinking all kink was BDSM and leather and whips and pain), I found myself leaning more dominant. So I joined some femdom groups. I even created an application to be my sub. To which I got a fair share of responses. And thus began my education in this journey. Sexuality as a whole is soooo vast. There's soooo much under that umbrella and things branch out in so many different directions. I began this journey thinking that everything had a label and that things were either "this" or "that". Boy was I wrong! I could not help my need to try to label everything. I think many people are like this. To understand something, we must label it. But labels are so limiting and so many things fall in between the lines. Using reddit kind of faded away as I turned to dating apps. I did that for a good long while and had LOTS of shitty shitty (and a couple great) experiences. Once I decided to get off dating apps once-and-for-all I still found myself in need of some kind of sexual outlet. A way to connect with people from a distance. So I created a naughty reddit profile for the soul purpose of scratching this itch. I'm not really sure what I expected. I posted a faceless lingerie picture of myself on my profile so that anyone who engaged with me had the option to see if they were physically interested or not. And to cut down on me having to describe myself. I love to talk to and connect with people. So at first I would happily engage with anyone who messaged me. That's when I began to understand what this side of reddit was actually like. After entertaining waaaaay too much bullshit and disrespect (it seems like men on the internet don't feel the need to have basic decency), I closed my DMs but continued to post because I needed an outlet for all my sexual thoughts. And those thoughts needed an audience. Things were going well with that until the other day when Reddit decided to stop allowing me to post text on my profile. WHAT??? Devastating. But I took it as a sign to finish what I had already started with this blog. So welcome to my Redditors, or to anyone else who happened to find this. If you like to read the sexual thoughts of a women out here "in these streets", stick around. It may be long winded but it's never boring. I may be adding pictures in the future. Maybe video? Who knows! I've got a whole website and lots of things I can do. Except emoji's because I'm writing this on my laptop. Emoji's are a big part of my self expression so this is hard for me. See? That one paragraph is missing like 5 good emojis. Sigh..
Leave a Reply.Lady MWhat happens when you marry the 2nd guy you ever slept with and spend 20yrs thinking you just don't like sex? You get a divorce and realize just how sexual you actually are. Archives
February 2025