Sex after 40
Well it happened.....part 110/6/2023 I've been trying to gather my thoughts.... so much to say! How much do I want to reveal?? hmm....
I met a boy...a young man....he posted on reddit about going down on someone without reciprocation. Which I tend to see from time to time. But what got my attention was when he said something to the effect of "Don't bother responding if you can't last for a couple of hours". That made my ears perk up because it takes me forever to cum. I've had hang ups about having someone go down on me bc I'm just afraid they won't enjoy it for some reason or another. I've gotten over my hang ups about aesthetics bc Mr. Big is constantly telling me how pretty my pussy is. But it takes me so long to cum and i'm like no one is gonna wanna go down on me for that long. They'll get bored or tired. I feel bad. I wouldn't wanna give head for that long. And I love to give head. But let the record show, when i do it, the guys usually don't last too long. But some guys claim to love to do it for hours. So who knows. All I know is I NEEEEED to get over this hump. I need to get comfortable having someone go down on me. I need to learn to accept pleasure and stop apologizing for taking a long time. I need practice so I can figure out what feels best and what makes me cum. Maybe with more exposure I can fully stop holding back and let go and i can cum sooner. So I decided to reach out. We chatted a bit. He seemed normal. We met for coffee, it went well. We ended up talking for a couple of hours. After that meeting he asked me to get tested which I did. Between the time the results took to come back and my schedule of only being available every other week, weeks went by. But every once in a while we'd text flirty things to each other. Then finally came a week when I was free and in the mood and we made the plan.... If you want to hear details about that meeting stay tuned for part 2. its all too much for one entry.
1 Comment
10/6/2023 05:51:07 pm
oooh lucky lucky man!
Leave a Reply.Lady MWhat happens when you marry the 2nd guy you ever slept with and spend 20yrs thinking you just don't like sex? You get a divorce and realize just how sexual you actually are. Archives
February 2025